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Accréditation n° 5-0620. Portée disponible sur

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Qualiopi, everything you need to know 🏆

Certifopac explains below everything you need to know about Qualiopi certification, the essential step for all training organizations that wish to benefit from public funding 💸 for their vocational training actions. Mandatory since January 1, 2022, Qualiopi makes it possible to become officially recognized as a training organization.


PS: this page is updated regularly. Practice not to miss anything 😎

What is it to understand Qualiopi ?

Qualiopi is inspired by the Greek word « kaliopé », which means « Beautiful voice » 🙊(not to be confused with Kaliopi who is a Greek singer😊). The term therefore refers to the Greek muse of eloquence, which symbolizes the eloquence skill required to be a trainer. In fact, « Qualiopi » breaks down into « quali » for « quality » and « opi », an allusion to the Latin « ops », meaning ability or ability.

This undoubtedly led the State to appoint in 2019 Qualiopi the unique certification of OPAC* in terms of quality of training processes. The mark is issued to training providers who meet the requirements of the national quality standard developed by the Ministry of Labour in 2019. The V8 version released on November 23, 2023 and applicable from January 23, 2024.

The decree to regulate the use of subcontracting by organizations referenced on the EDOF portal, was released on December 28, 2023.

Following the publication of the decree on subcontracting, a new version (V9) of the reading guide of the National Quality Repository was published on 08 January 2024 and will be applicable from 08 March 2024.

💡 *An OPAC is an Action Provider Operator contributing to the development of Skills. A little clever word to say simply a provider of training in the broad sense! Moreover, Certifopac is the contraction of « certifying OPAC« ! There are approximately 115,000 OPAC’s declared in France, of which 44,000 are Qualiopi certified.

Why Qualiopi ?

Before 2015, it was enough to have an activity declaration number to obtain training funding. The authorities at the time consider it a little light. As such, the government publishes a first quality decree and imposes the referencing Datadock**. At the peak of the scheme, more than 60,000 OPAC are listed and can claim funding.

Faced with this complexity, the idea of a National Quality Repository (RNQ) and a single certification (Qualiopi) is making its way and is finally adopted at the end of 2018.  Accepted by all funders and issued by independent certifying bodies, this is how the Qualiopi certification was born.

Today, this process is supposed to ensure the appropriate use of public funds by requiring providers to prove the quality of their training based on the same standard.

💡 **The Datadock procedure was based on filling in a declarative platform where organizations could file documents. Little evidence was required to ensure that the funders’ quality requirements were met. This is why some institutions such as Agefiph or Pôle Emploi have asked for additional criteria to assess the quality of training. In addition, the Datadock system featured 53 quality labels and certifications referenced by the CNEFOP (the ancestor of France Compétences) and it was difficult for the general public to navigate.

FAQ : the 6 most asked questions before getting started

Am I concerned by Qualiopi?

Since January 1, 2022, Qualiopi applies to any entity (natural or legal person, public or private) that offers at least one of the following four categories of shares:

Training activities🎓
Skills reviews 📊
VAE accompaniments 🔄
Apprenticeship (CFA)🏫

These providers must all meet the requirements of the National Quality Standard (RNQ) if they wish to have their services financed by the funders.

Some subcontractors also have the obligation of Qualiopi certification when they intervene on CPF actions (Source: subcontracting decree)

It is therefore a key element for the viability and success of any training organization.

Is Qualiopi certification mandatory?

he Qualiopi certification is mandatory for all OPAC, in mainland France or in the DROM, who wish to benefit from public funding and pooled vocational training (27 billion euros each year).

These funds come from various sources: the State, the regions, the OPCO, Pôle emploi, Agefiph, the CPIR and the Caisse des dépôts et consignations. These organizations have all adopted Qualiopi certification as a funding criterion. 🏆

Source: law of 5 September 2018

What is Certifopac used for in my Qualiopi certification project?

Certifopac is part of the short list of certification firms authorized and recognized to audit and deliver Qualiopi certification. We specialise in vocational training.

In order to ensure the impartiality of the certification process as defined by the regulations, the Ministry of Labour has chosen to set up a system under accreditation. This ensures that the audit and certification procedures comply with the regulations.

In concrete terms, this means that Certifopac is accredited by COFRAC to deliver Qualiopi certification (Accreditation no. 5-0620) according to the accreditation standard NF EN ISO/IEC 17065 – relating to the certification of products, services and processes. Qualiopi is of course a process.

What are the prerequisites for committing to Qualiopi certification?

The conditions are simple:

Have performed at least one service related to the category of shares requested;
Have an NDA (Activity Declaration Number) or if you cannot prove your request to the DREETS in your region.

Any organization, whatever its legal structure or status (Independent, SA, auto entrepreneur, etc.) can position itself on this certification.

There is no obligation of training volume, turnover, seniority or other.

How much does Qualiopi cost?

Our rate is as transparent and clear as possible, which is why we speak in daily audit rate, all fees included 💶. The cost of the Qualiopi certification is calculated based on your situation, with advantageous discounts available depending on your status (independent, subcontractor).

The final price of your certification cycle, including the initial audit and the monitoring audit, depends directly on the audit duration 🕒 and varies according to various criteria specific to each organization:

  • The category of action for which you wish to be certified (training, skills assessment, validation of acquired experience (VAE), or learning);
    The number of sites to be audited (single site or multi-site structure);
    The turnover related to the activity to be audited (completed or to come);
    The status of new entrant, which involves a surveillance audit plus an additional half day 🕒.

Why get certified ?

Beyond the economic interest (access to financing 💰), we can see an advantage of credibility and legitimacy 🏅 in a training market considered very competitive with more than one hundred thousand organizations referenced to date.

It is a means of attesting to the quality of its training processes with compliance with the requirements of the indicators of the national quality standard 📊, applicable to its organization.

Clearly state your ambitions and commitments in terms of quality thanks to Qualiopi and take the step with Certifopac! 🚀

The advantages of being certified Qualiopi

To date, nearly 45,000 organizations are Qualiopi certified, including 1,900 by us. The benefits of certification are :



Get your work permit in the conventional market: Qualiopi certification opens the doors of the conventional market in terms of training. It is an official recognition that validates your ability to offer quality training. By being recognized in the conventional market, you will have more chances to attract customers who are looking for certified providers, thus improving the visibility and credibility of your organization.



Sustain your activity and ensure the financing of your activity: By being compliant, your organization demonstrates its seriousness and commitment to quality. This can reassure your customers and partners. A better brand image can lead to increased customer loyalty, ensuring a stable revenue stream.



Diversify your sources of income and develop new activities : With certification, you have the opportunity to offer new training or enter new markets while respecting the required quality standards.

This can lead to an increase in your sources of income. By diversifying your offering, you reduce the risks associated with dependence on a single type of training or market segment.


new markets

Win new contracts and access new calls for tenders : Qualiopi certification can be a selection criterion for certain calls for tenders, including public ones. By being certified, you increase your chances of winning new markets and expanding your customer base. This way, your business can grow faster and you can access otherwise inaccessible opportunities.

Qualiopi New Entrant

Understanding Qualiopi when you start your business

After completing your online quote request, our team will send you a detailed commercial proposal. This estimate includes all the mandatory steps (initial audit and monitoring audit) with certification durations and rates. Once the contract has been validated, Certifopac will carry out the administrative verification of your file and assign an auditor to plan your initial audit as soon as possible, via our Appolo audit application.

It’s a step of assessment of the conformity of your organization with the National Quality Repository. It is based on an analysis of your documents, discussions and an evaluation of the processes in place.

the ultimate guide

Getting started, the ultimate guide

Success always depends on good preparation and a good level of skills and knowledge. This rule also applies to the certification process.


understand the process

To get started, learn more about the certification process in a simple and clear way.

Know the steps

Check my eligibility

Before you start, check whether you meet the conditions of eligibility for Qualiopi and the prerequisites set out in the regulations in force.

Discover the prerequisites

Know the applicable indicators

Liste indicateur audit surveillance

Prepare the audit by knowing precisely the number of indicators applicable to your situation.

find the list

Getting ready for Qualiopi

Femme montrant des post'it sur un tableau

Essential step for a smooth audit, the preparation goes through the use of tools.

the tools available

Perform a blank audit

étape qualiopi

The white audit can assess your level of compliance

Learn more

be accompanied

The accompaniments in Qualiopi are numerous and useful.

List of accompanying persons

FAQ : Before signing, prepare for the audit

How to prepare for the audit?

  1. There are three options to prepare effectively :Prepare by consulting the requirements of each indicator applicable to your situation free of charge, directly on Appolo, via the audit grid that we make available to you with the various points of compliance that the auditor will assess on the day;
    Conduct a half-day white audit remotely, with an internal auditor and subject matter expert. The opportunity to save time and validate its quality process before the real audit;
    Be accompanied by a consultant in order to establish a preliminary diagnosis and know your level of compliance with Qualiopi’s expectations.

Can Certifopac accompany me, train me, advise me?

Impossible. Indeed, we are not an advisory or support organization. As an accredited certifier, we must remain impartial.

Nevertheless, we have many tools at your disposal as part of your preparation :

  • A white positioning audit to assess your practices before the initial audit.
    Appolo, an intuitive audit application with a lot of information.
    A list of accompanying persons.

How long between signing the contract and certification ?

Count an average month, even if the duration depends on many factors:

  • Responsiveness in the transmission of useful documents to your file before the audit;
    Your availability and your wishes to pass the initial audit;
    The duration of the treatment of any non-conformities found on the day-D;

Our teams are recognized for their responsiveness, and the reliability and speed of our tools allow a considerable time saving in the certification decision.

I am an organization being created, what difference does it make ?

The initial audit will be adapted according to your specificity as a «New Entrant», an organization in its first year of activity. As a result, a dozen indicators will be assessed differently from the others during the audit. We will focus on formalizing the elements. Their implementation will be verified during the monitoring audit.

In addition, your initial Qualiopi audit can only be carried out once you have completed a complete service in each audited category.

For example, for the AFC (Training Actions) category, it is necessary that you have completed at least one training.

Où puis-je trouver la législation de certification Qualiopi ?

Legal texts related to certification can be downloaded from our documentation area.

We update it regularly, with the latest texts in force, including the decree of May 31, 2023 which provides many details on audit procedures.

Is it useful to perform a white audit ?

Certifopac proposes to carry out a pre-audit (or white audit) before the Qualiopi certification process. Above all, it allows the training organisation to assess its preparation and therefore its quality system at a given moment.

When can I schedule and block my initial audit date ?

  • Upon receipt of your signed business proposal, we open access to Appolo with an initial audit. You will need to fill in mandatory and pre-audit information :
    Accounting documents or educational and financial report;
    Detailed description of your activities;
    Receipt of Activity Declaration Number;
  • In order to facilitate administrative follow-up, all these steps are carried out on Appolo. Even if you’re not fully ready for the audit, you can already schedule and block your audit date. To do this, you can propose to our team 2 or 3 dates that would suit you for the realization of the audit, whether for the white audit or the initial audit.
    Note that the planning of the audit date depends on the time of receipt of these parts: the more responsive you are, the more we will be! In general, it takes about 15-20 days between the signing of the commercial proposal and the completion of the initial audit.

Is it possible to finance my Qualiopi certification through my training funds (FIFPL, AGEFICE) or France Travail ?

No, because the provision of audit and certification is not an action contributing to skills development. However, you can very well use these funds to train in Qualiopi, with specialized training organizations on the subject.

How do I pay for my certification ?

You can choose the desired method of withdrawal: in 1 time or 3 times without charge! The opportunity to smooth the cost of certification over several months.

Qualiopi Resources

Resources to meet the requirements

Certifopac offers a multitude of open access resources :


The documentary space Qualiopi

Our documentary space Qualiopi is constantly updated, bringing together all the regulatory and internal texts concerning this certification. It proves to be an indispensable tool to effectively prepare your initial Qualiopi audit and maintain it throughout the cycle.


The information online Certifopac

We have also identified all the key elements to support you in your Qualiopi journey, whether to calculate the duration of your audits, choose the audit method that suits you best or comply with the rules of use of the Qualiopi brand.


Free webinars and videos

We offer webinars to clarify the specific points of Qualiopi. These exchanges are also an opportunity to answer your questions.


Sharing content on our social networks

You can also contact us directly by email or on our social networks. We share information and answer your questions.

The National Quality Standard

National Quality Repository, the Qualiopi base

Preparing your organization for Qualiopi certification is a crucial task. The national quality repository is the reference document that guides this process. Available for download on our website, this 40-page guide is the basis of work between you, the auditor, and the certifier. It defines the expectations for each indicator in the repository and specifies the examples of evidence to be provided.

It is important to stay informed of updates to the reading guide, is of these versions :

  • Version 7, released on March 29, 2021, and applicable until January 22, 2023.
  • Version 8, published on November 23, 2023, applicable from January 23, 2023.
  • Version 9, published on 08 January 2024, applicable from 08 March 2024.

The main steps towards obtaining (and maintaining) Qualiopi certification

After submitting your quote request online, our Certifopac team will send you a complete commercial proposal. This includes all the key steps of Qualiopi certification, including the initial audit and monitoring audit, as well as the associated costs. Once the contract is validated, we begin the administrative audit of your file and appoint an auditor for your initial Qualiopi audit.

The initial audit is an essential step since it assesses your organization’s compliance with the National Quality Repository. This framework is organized around the 7 criteria, which replace the 6 criteria of the decree of June 30, 2015, keeping the main axes, but with more readability and openness.

The evaluation day is a well-structured day, marked by an opening meeting, the evaluation of compliance indicators, and finally a closing meeting to discuss the results. An audit report is then given to you within five days (usually within 24 hours via our application), and in case of non-conformities, corrective actions will be required.

Then, between the 14th and 22nd month of your certification cycle, we perform a monitoring audit. This audit checks whether you continue to maintain the quality standards required by Qualiopi. In case of non-compliance, corrective measures are required to preserve your certification.

Finally, we perform a renewal audit before the end of your Qualiopi certification cycle, confirming that your organization still meets Qualiopi standards.

Qualiopi audit

Certification audit on D-Day (and after)

The certification audit suggests a good basis for understanding audit procedures. Certifopac has a rich documentary database of articles and pages dedicated to the subject. Do not hesitate to consult them !


initial audit

The certification audit (initial) is the first essential step in issuing the certificate. We explain how it works.

Conduct of the initial audit


Femme assise en train de remplir un papier avec sa main gauche

At the end of the audit, the auditor can rule on non-conformities, which you can deal with quickly via Appolo.

Address non-conformities

Qualiopi Certificate

Once the certification decision is made, you will be officially certified. You will need to display your certificate on your website and premises.

View your certificate

surveillance audit

Monitoring ensures that your certificate is maintained. It is usually done remotely, a year and a half after the initial certification decision.

include monitoring

certificate extension

un homme et une femme en train de discuter

Once certified, it is possible to add stock categories to your certification. Simply make a request and perform an extension audit.

Extend the scope of your certificate


une personne en train d'écrire sur une feuille

Already certified ? You can transfer or renew your certification at Certifopac at any time! At the end of the cycle, you will have to carry out a renewal audit to continue to benefit from the Qualiopi certification.

Transfer or Renew

FAQ Qualiopi audit : the most frequently asked questions

How long does the audit take ?

The audit time is calculated in accordance with regulatory requirements, based on:

  • The category or categories of action to be certified: training action, skills assessment, validation of experience acquired, apprenticeship training.
    The N-1 revenue of the organization allocated to the shares to be certified: three tranches – Less than €150,000, Between €150,000 and €750,000 and beyond €750,000.

If the auditor issues minor or major non-conformities after the initial audit, a processing time must be included in the service.

Can I reduce the duration of the audit according to my status? (Independent, without premises, etc.)? Is the duration of the initial audit flexible ?

No, the duration is the same for all audited. For example, if you are a “new entrant” independent trainer, the duration is 1 day and will be the same as the existing organization with 120,000 euros in turnover…

tableau durée audit

These rules have been published by the Ministry of Labour (Cf: Decree of 6 June 2019 on the associated audit procedures
the national repository referred to in Article D. 6316-1-1 of the Labour Code)

How is the audit carried out (on site or remotely) if I do not have a premises, if I only offer distance training or if I only do intra-company ?

The initial audit must always be carried out on site, even in the absence of administrative premises and place of delivery of training. Indeed, the texts plan to meet the organization to be audited at least once during the face-to-face cycle, regardless of the training modalities of your organization (face-to-face, distance, AFEST, etc.).
The audit location is chosen jointly with the auditor, according to your wishes. This can be: your home, a meeting room lent by one of your clients, a rented space for the occasion, etc.

How is the certification issued once the audit has taken place ?

  • The auditor issues an opinion (favourable or unfavourable) at the end of the audit or following the treatment of non-conformities.
    Subsequently, a certification officer takes over the file internally and decides whether to issue the certification based on the audit results. The audited body receives a notification on Appolo and can consult :
    The audit report prepared by the auditor and validated by Certifopac;
    The summary table of the treatment of any non-conformities;
    The Qualiopi certificate downloadable in PDF or web format.

Once certified, what steps ?

After obtaining your certification, it is essential to know the next steps to maintain and optimize your quality recognition. Here are the key takeaways.


Check your presence on the public list

Check your listing on the public list of training organizations.

I check

report any changes

Femme montrant des post'it sur un tableau

If your training organization is undergoing significant changes, such as a change in legal structure or Activity Declaration Number, inform Certifopac to maintain your certification.

I declare

Check the validity of your certificate.

Display the validity of your Qualiopi certificate, making it available on your premises and sharing your certificate on your website in web format.

View my certificate

To be referenced with the financiers

personne en train d'écrire avec la main gauche sur un papier

After obtaining your Qualiopi certification, refer to the funders. This step allows you to be visible by various funders such as OPCO, CPF, Pôle Emploi, etc.


Complete your BPF every year

personne devant 2 écrans d'ordinateur

Finally, complete your Educational and Financial Report (BPF). The « My Training Activity » application allows you to file an activity report and submit the annual GMP.

Complete your BPF

Become eligible for the CPF

Discover the authorisation process to make your offers eligible for the « My Training Account » scheme

Learn more

FAQ : Once certified, the questions to ask

What are my communication obligations regarding my Qualiopi certificate?

You are obliged to display your updated Qualiopi certificate on your premises and website. Certifopac offers a simple and effective method in time to meet your obligations.

Does the Qualiopi audit exempt me from any other form of control? (DREETS, Financeurs)

Under no circumstances. It is not because you have met the requirements of the «Qualiopi» audit that you cannot be audited by other structures: for example, the DREETS of your region, or Pôle Emploi, or a typical funder may very well ask you to carry out a control visit.

There are several types of controls. Those exercised by Certifopac randomly to verify both the proper use of the Qualiopi logo but also compliance with the display of the Qualiopi certificate.

But also those carried out by funders under the guise of their responsibility to carry out checks on the services they finance. These funder controls are independent of the Qualiopi certification process and Certifopac have no connection with.

How long is the certification valid once certified?

We issue the certificate for a period of three years, which starts from the date of the initial certification decision.

This means that the certification must be renewed (and funded) every three years if you wish to continue enjoying the benefits of these.

Be careful, some colleagues practice annual fees in order to make you captive and drown the tariff fish. With us, no surprises, the contract is valid until the end of validity of the certificate and is cancellable at any time.

At the end of the 3 years of validity, how to renew?

Qualiopi certification is not valid for life but for a period of 3 years from the date of certification decision (and not from the date of audit). Therefore, it is not a degree that can be kept in time without verification.

As such, to maintain its certificate over time, it will be necessary to undergo mid-term monitoring audits, then a renewal, at the end of the 3 years of validity of the certificate.

Certifopac reissues a new certification contract: we will carry out a new cycle with a renewal audit, then a monitoring audit.

Comment rendre mon offre de formation éligible au Compte Personnel de Formation (CPF) ?

It must be understood that Qualiopi is the way to access training funding. Qualiopi alone will not be enough to make your training offer eligible since the CPF lists only the certifications registered in the RNCP or the RS.

We explain here how to access CPF funding.

What is RNCP or RS?

The RNCP and the RS are two national directories that list all the certifications recognized by the State (diploma, title, label, etc.).

If your courses are registered in the RNCP, you will have to meet the Qualiopi 3, 7 & 16 indicators.

If I don’t do training during the year, do I lose my certification?

Several scenarios may arise: if during the monitoring audit you did not perform services other than those already audited during the initial audit, in this case the audit may still take place and you retain your certification.

On the other hand, during the renewal audit, it will be necessary to have performed at least one service since the supervision.

If I sell my company, then I also sell the Qualiopi certification?

If the company changes SIREN: the allocation of a new SIREN corresponds to the creation of a new legal person, the Qualiopi certification will lapse, insofar as the certification is attached to an NDA.

If the company does not change SIREN: the new manager will have to inform the Department of the control of vocational training, within 30 days, as well as Certifopac for the maintenance of its Qualiopi certification.

Should I make myself known to funders?

A list of certified employees is maintained daily by the Ministry of Labour and is systematically sent to funders but you are not automatically referenced by most. You especially have a prospecting job to do with your business customers because the funders will not look for work in your place!

Certifopac explains how to reference the funders as part of your certification.

What happens at the end of the 3 years of validity of my certificate?

Certifopac reissues a new certification contract: we will carry out a new cycle with a renewal audit, then a monitoring audit.

I want to extend my scope to other activities (VAE, Learning, etc.), how to do?

A request must be made to extend our services. An extension audit will be performed to then update your certificate on the new category or categories.

Attention: it is necessary to perform at least one service before the extension audit. This service will therefore not be financed yet since you will not be certified on this category.

Conditions to be Met

Condition 1 :The foreign company delivers training activities in France.

The company shall register here to obtain a SIREN (French company registration number). There are few possibilities to implement its activites in France :

  • To create a letter box entity, for non-business activity ;
  • To create a branch (succursale in French) => not the most relevant because this kind of entity doesn’t have legal responsibility in France
  • To create a subsidiary (filiale in French). Here some examples of legal types of French company. This company will represent your application for Qualiopi certification. It will also be useful for CPF and RS projects, to settle partnerships with other training certification bodies.

If you don’t want to settle a subsidiary, you must find a training company that will accept to legally represent you, and that lives in France. You will use the SIREN of your representative (see condition 2).

Condition 2 : Appoint a Representative Domiciled in France

The foreign training organization must appoint a representative domiciled in France authorized to respond on its behalf to legal obligations, in accordance with Article R. 6351-3 of the French Labour Code. Therefore, the representative of the foreign organization in France will be responsible for ensuring compliance with the criteria of the national quality reference framework on behalf of the foreign organization. Audits will be conducted with the representative in France, who will be responsible for obtaining from the foreign organization the necessary evidence.

Condition 3 : Submitting an Initial Declaration of Activity to a French Prefecture

Any organization or legal person who provides training services in France must complete this process.

Following this declaration to the Prefecture, the organization will have to submit a pedagogical and financial report annually through the website